kappa emote Kappa.js

A simple jQuery Plugin that can easily find text Twitch emotes and replace them with their respective emoticons

Without Kappa.js

"HeyGuys why do you hate me BibleThump! I thought I was meme worthy Kappa. I enjoy the memes Kreygasm"

With Kappa.js

"HeyGuys why do you hate me BibleThump! I thought I was meme worthy Kappa. I enjoy the memes Kreygasm"

How does this work?

Kappa.js is made possible with the use of Twitch Emotes API v2. Kappa.js will pull a fresh list of global emotes and save in localStorage. Please note this API is currently in development, so features and structure may change without warning.

How do I get this?

Kappa.js can be quickly installed from the public bower registry. Just run...

bower install kappa.js

Or maybe you'd prefer npm...

npm install kappa.js

Alternatively, you can simple clone down the repository with...

git clone https://github.com/SimulatedGREG/Kappa.js.git

And for those of you who have no idea what was said above, you can get a direct download here.

How do I use this?

To get started include the kappa.js file just before the end of your closing tag.

        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
        <script src="path/to/kappa.min.js"></script>

Once included use jQuery to select which elements you want kappa.js to apply to in this manner...


In this example kappa.js will apply to elements with class="kappa" in the DOM once the page is loaded.

            $(function () {


option type default description
customClass string null Adds a custom class to each injected <img> emoticon.
emoteSize string 'small' Sets emoticon image size. Can be 'small', 'medium', or 'large'.